This class utilizes the following grading scale:
- A) 92-100%
- A-) 90-91.99%
- B+) 88-89.99%
- B) 82-87.99%
- B-) 80-81.99%
- C+) 78-79.99%
- C) 72-77.99%
- C-) 70-71.99%
- D+) 68-69.99%
- D) 62-67.99%
- D-) 60-61.99%
- E) 0-59.99%
The grading scale is non-negotiable. A final grade of 87.99%, for instance, is a B. All grades are final unless questions about grades are addressed in writing within 1 week after the grade is posted. If you have concerns about your grades please check with me sooner in the semester rather than later.
More information about: UF grading policies.
Course Requirements
Your semester grade will be calculated as follows:
- Blog: 15%
- Assignments and Quizzes: 25%
- Lecture Attendance: 10%
- Personal Website, part 1: 20%
- Personal Website, part 2: 30%
Late Work and Make-up Work
Assignments turned in late will not be accepted. If the personal website project is turned in late, you will be deducted 1 full letter grade (10%) for each day or partial day the project is late.
Make-up work is not permitted. However, under an extreme circumstance, if you have an excused absence AND the instructor was notified in advance, an exception may be made.
Extra Credit
Extra credit may be offered throughout the semester. This opportunities will be announced in class or via Announcements on e-Learning.