9/30/24 Birthplace: New Orleans
Died: 8/25/84
moves like a parody between a majorette girl and Fred Astaire."
— Truman Capote
on Mick Jagger
Harp (1993)
In Cold Blood (1966)
Breakfast at Tiffany's (1958)
Thanksgiving Visitor (1968)
Voices, Other Rooms (1948)
A Tree of Night (1949)
A Christmas Memory (1956)
The Dogs Bark: Public People and Private Places (1973)
Answered Prayers (published posthumously 1987)

is a chain of love as
nature is a chain of life."
— Truman Capote
black + white tribute
Cold Blood Message Board
Capote - In Cold Blood
Internet Movie Database
at WebCastro

"I truthfully feel none of us have anyone to blame for whatever we
have done with our own personal lives. It has been proven that at the
age of 7 most of us have reached the age of reason — which means we
do, at this age, understand
& know the difference between right & wrong. Of course —
environment plays an awfully important part in our lives such as the
Convent in mine & in my case I am grateful for that influence. In
Jimmy's case — he was the strongest of us all. I remember how he
worked & went to school when there was no one to tell him & it
was his own will to make something of himself. We will never know the
reasons for what eventually happened, why he did what he did, but I
still hurt thinking of it. It was such a waste. But we have very little
control over our human weaknesses, & this applies also to Fern &
hundreds of thousands of other people including ourselves -- for we all
have weaknesses. In your case — I don't know what your weakness is but
I do feel — it is no shame to have a dirty face — the shame comes
when you keep it dirty ."
— Truman Capote, from "In
Cold Blood"

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